5. LAND Purification Process in P2E

As you might already know, there are unoccupied areas throughout the Dvision World. It's already been contaminated with the virus by the monsters. You have to engage in eliminating monsters to gain land ownership in your area.

As it's shown in the yellow check box in the image below, the contaminated area is contaminated from the exterior of the building. Don't forget that the PET NFT you raised earlier is the most important key to winning the battle against the monster!

The unoccupied area is a dungeon where monsters roam inside. Locate the dungeon entrance and check the dungeon information through the interaction with ([F] Key) button.

Check the current information of the dungeon through interaction and enter the dungeon. The following information can be verified before entrance: - Your current POS (contribution) value - Purification target figures and current purification figures - Ranking of contributions of the dungeon

Interact ([F] Key) with a monster roaming inside the dungeon to go to the battle-ready screen.

Click Change Organization to organize the ondoll to participate in the battle.

You can organize the battle by placing the ondoll on the right side of the screen. Click Finish Organize to complete the battle preparation. In addition to combat organization, you can set up combat supplies and select responsive skills. Click Start Battle to start the battle with the monster. - You can organize up to 4 PETs in a battle - You can only utilize a PET with gears equipped

Place the ondoll where desired, and complete the organization with the Organize Complete button. If you are ready for battle, you can start the battle by clicking Start Battle.

On the ondoll attack turn, you can use the general attack, skill, and kill all enemies according to suit the situation. Combat supports the Auto feature in the upper right corner.

Eliminate all enemies, and the battle is over and the reward is earned. - Earned rewards: Ondoll experience values and items

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